Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Peppermint Sugar Scrub

So, this is the first year I have had to think about teacher gifts.  Eli, my oldest son is in preschool and has two sweet teachers.  I wanted to give them a gift card because what teacher doesn't love a gift card?  But I thought it would also be nice to give them something homemade.  

It was the perfect opportunity to use things I already have around my house, including peppermint oil!  So, I decided to whip up some peppermint sugar scrub!  It was so easy and it made my kitchen smell so yummy!!  I will definitely be doing it again!  

Here is the recipe I used:

2 cups sugar
1/4 cup coconut oil
peppermint essential oil (I use Young Living)
red food coloring

Pour sugar into medium sized bowl and mix in coconut oil (I warmed mine a little bit so it was easier to mix).  Add a few drops of the peppermint oil and mix.  Divide your sugar mixture into two equal portions and add a few drops of red food coloring to one portion.  Add the sugar mixtures to the jar in layers and press down with a spoon to compact.  Alternate the white and the pink.  Top with a cute piece of cloth and a sticker.  Super simple!

I am not a super creative person so if I can do it anybody can!  These are great gifts for any occasion, not just Christmas!  

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